Pre-Pride Picnic

In May of 2022, we put out a save the date on our Instagram to host a Pride month picnic. As it turned out Shannon and Meg had put out a tiktok to host a pride picnic on the exact same day. When we saw the news of this we felt sad and defeated - questioning whether anyone was going to come to our picnic. After a bit of reflecting - we decided to reach out to see if they wanted to collaborate. We were overwhelmed with joy when this idea of collaboration was met with enthusiasm. We ended up partnering up with a few more people including Jess, Ajuki who hosts FOMO events and Sam (who we actually know from when we lived in Peterborough) as she had put out TikToks to the queer community to create friend group chats before Pride weekend in Toronto. We decided to get together in real life to chat about the details and from there the rest is history.
On June 11th 2022, over 1500 people gathered in Christie Pits Park for one "big gay picnic." We were overwhelmed with complete joy, and couldn’t be more grateful to our new friends who helped make that beautiful day possible. We went on to plan a second spontaneous picnic day, followed by a beach day - leading us to the desire to continue planning meetups that are family-friendly and free to attend.
On June 10th, 2023 we hosted another Pride Picnic, which was even larger than the year before. We followed the picnic up with yet another August beach day. We are so excited to see what 2024 brings!
FUN FACT: When we met up in Christie Pits park for the first time - CBC radio asked to interview us. We all ended up playing a game of hide & seek.
Check out the episode here. (minute 26:20)